
1. Brain functional connectivity during movie watching

Method developments to study dynamic connectivity and individual differences during movie watching.

2. Brain functional connectivity in different task conditions

We are interested in how do brain connectivity and brain network organizations change between different different conditions, e.g. resting-state, task performance, and waching movies.

Method developments on methods for studying task related connectivity, including psychophysiological interaction (PPI), beta series, sliding window, and intersubject correlation methods on both conventional task data and naturalistic task data.

4. Brain functional connectivity modulated by other regions

This line of researches focuses on how brain connectivity between two brain regions is modulated by a third region.

5. Brain metabolic connectivity and networks

This line of research focuses on brain metabolic connectivity as measured by FDG-PET.


Dr. Bharat Biswal @ NJIT

Dr. Zhiguo Zhang @ HIT

Dr. Ting Xu @ CMI

Research support


  • NIH R15MH125332, 2021 - 2024, PI. Functional brain developments during movie watching and resting-state in autism spectrum disorder


  • NJDOH – NJ Autism Center of Excellence (CAUT16APL019), 2016 - 2018, PI. Multimodal neuroimaging study of sex differences in children with autism spectrum disorder.